Share Kai Café.
Lunch with a purpose.
We use kai to bring people together and help remove barriers to participating in our society.
The Share Kai Café connects customers with the cuisines of Afghanistan, Eritrea, Morocco and Nepal one Friday lunchtime every month in the heart of Ōtautahi.
Run by the Share Kai Cooks Collective the café is an incubator for members, providing the opportunity to build hospitality skills by taking turns operating the café and collecting all proceeds.
On the last Friday of every month we release the new lunch menu featuring traditional dishes from one of our four groups: Afghan, Eritrean, Nepali/Bhutanese and Moroccan.
Our opening hours in 2025 are the first Friday of every month - April 4th, May 2nd, June 6th 12 - 1.30pm.
Come and join us in the sunny dining space at Canterbury WEA, 59 Gloucester Street, we accept cash and payWave, or order online (help our cooks plan!) below.
How our online order system works:
Order and pay for your lunch online by clicking on the menu items below (by Thursday 11am please!).
Dine in or take your order away (for takeaway we appreciate it if you bring your own container!) at WEA Canterbury.
Upcoming café days:
4 April - Eritrean, 2 May - Pakistani, 6 June - Afghan, hours 12 - 1.30pm, at the WEA Canterbury, 59 Gloucester Street.