Weave Funding

In July Mahia te Aroha and InCommon headed to Auckland to pitch our Share Kai programme to one of our nation’s most exciting country-wide funders – Weave.

Eight Family Foundations make up Weave (formerly the ‘Working Together More Fund’), who work collectively to support community projects that bring groups together to make positive change. Weave are experts in collaboration and provide lots of support including resources, workshops and funding to help Aotearoa’s collaborations thrive.

We have been fortunate enough to have been working with Weave since the end of 2022. We received their Seed Funding to develop our Share Kai programme, and a challenge from Natalia Sexton, General Manager of Weave, to think bigger. Their mana-enhancing, relational, collaborative approach to funding and supporting projects like ours has been a joy to be part of and has helped us deepen our thinking around the kaupapa of Share Kai.

Earlier this year Weave funded a Partnership Brokers workshop: Ōtautahi Building Effective Partnerships, for a group of like-minded organisations with mahi related to improving social cohesion in our communities. Participants came from a range of sectors (pictured): local and central government; community; funders; libraries; and education.

Our pitch to the group of eight Foundations in Auckland was a collaborative effort (like all our endeavors!). We are so grateful to the InCommon Working Group and Advisory Group, the Mahia te Aroha Founders and our Share Kai Cooks Collective for the part everyone played in helping us secure three years of funding for Share Kai.

Now to get to work!


Share Kai and Kōrero Lots in Common at Ara Campus


Share Kai and Kōrero with the St Albans Community Centre